Surfing was one of the main reasons that made us come to Ericeira. We couldn’t have made a better choice. Although the first time I went surfing in this Ocean, I didn’t actually feel like that! I was used to Central American uncrowded spots and tropical weather, so when I first stepped into this water, with the board under my arm, I thought: “What the hell…!? This is freezing!!” and, “Is there a space for me in the water or will all these locals crash with me?”. A good wetsuit likely helped me out to fight the cold and finally, when you know the spot and the waves, you also learn how to deal with all the people in the water.

Ericeira is a sort of surfing paradise because it’s the only World Surfing Reserve existing in the European continent. There are seven world class waves of unique characteristics within a coastal strip of four Kilometers (Pedra Branca, Reef, Ribeira d’Ilhas, Cave, Crazy Left, Coxos and São Lourenço). The WSR’s aim is the preservation of this coastline’s waves and of the respective landscapes and ecosystems.

MAISQUENADA ERICEIRA is the perfect place to stay if you want to enjoy surfing, as we are only 5 minutes driving from some of the best surf breaks. No matter if you are looking to get your feet wet for the first time, you just want to learn to stand up and glide across the waves or if you already have some surfing skills and you want to improve your level. We will help you to find the best spots in order to enjoy your time in the water.

Our nice patio with hammocks under the grape tree, the big green area, the swimming pool and the loungers will be waiting for you when you decide to come back and rest after your great surfing session. And during wintertime the warm feeling of the wooden roulottes and our common living room will embrace you and get you a sense of home. Our organic products from the land will be the perfect super food supply to recover all your energy.

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