One of the things I like the most about MAISQUENADA cultural association is the chances it gives me to meet new people from all over the world and share with them a piece of my life, my time and my space. At the same time, having a big outdoor space gives a lot of work, but also the possibility to turn into reality a bunch of potential new projects and ideas.

In March 2022 we saw a post on Facebook from an Italian guy called Mattia: he was on holiday in Ericeira and he was looking for a white wall to paint, offering his art for free if he had the freedom of painting whatever he wanted. After taking a look at his portfolio (, we invited him to pass by our house, to see if the empty wall that we wanted to paint was actually good for his purpose. After a nice pasta plate and a glass of red wine, it ended up that the stretch that had been drawn without knowing our project at all perfectly fits the vibe and spirit of MAISQUENADA cultural association.

A few days later Mattia arrived with all the paints and worked for three full time days, trying to escape the rain and to finish the job before he had to go back home. The mural shows a tree woman’s face, coming out from the roots in the land, with a nail on her hand. For me it was Mother Nature in person! It is like having a living portrait of “Pachamama” in our garden, symbolizing the mother earth that protects, nourishes and takes care of us human beings. The wall is also very close to our vegetable garden and fruit trees and it looks very well integrated with all the space, by communicating that connection with nature that is one of the main columns of our project.

So, thanks @chusart for making our space to look much nicer!

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