Here we are!

Hello friends!

This is Matilde, one of the minds and hearts behind Maisquenada Cultural Association. Today is a big day.

We are launching our brand new blog! And believe me, this is a really big step for me, since, until now, internet and social media were not really part of my life. Why do I have to publish my stories on the internet when I can grab a phone and just talk to my friends? Let’s say I am not a technological person at all! But things change and life pushes me to get out of my comfort zone.  I will be sharing my thoughts with you every week, I promise.

I really would like all of you to know more about what we are developing here in Portugal. And, as you don’t read my personal notes or thoughts yet, I will definitely have to make it public somehow!  I will write about our goals and missions, our dreams and falls, achievements and failures.  You will learn a bit more about who we are, what we do and in which way we would like to make this world a bit better. So, you are all welcome to join me for this long trip, an adventure of developing a responsible glamping blog project in Ericeira, Portugal!

What to expect? We will share our experience about sustainability, biological gardening, responsible tourism, sea-life, surfing, how we try to make our life more simple and green, etc. And, of course, about this beautiful land, its people, its culture and how all that has become our home, our neighbors and our background within the last two years. I am very excited to share all this with everyone of you and keep you regularly updated.

Stay tuned!

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